Calm Down
Calm Down
The one conspiracy theory that maybe is true

The one conspiracy theory that maybe is true

An interview with Jonathan Katz about Smedley Butler, the Business Plot, and Imperialism.

On this week’s episode of Good Faith Pod, I’m joined by Jonathan Katz, the author of “Gangsters of Capitalism: Smedley Butler, the Marines, and the Making and Breaking of America's Empire.”

We talk about everything! We talk about conspiracy theories! We talk about Cuba! We talk about Teddy Roosevelelt! We talk about earthquakes! We talk about you! Yeah you read that right! We talked about you. Not you in some sort of pretend “listener” sense. We talked about you personally. You! The person reading this! We talked about how great you look and how good you are doing. You should listen. It’s about you. You should actually forward this to your friends and family because they’ll be proud about this talk about you. It’s all good stuff. We talk about you personally in detail.

Buy Jonathan’s book! Subscribe to his substack!

Subscribe to my podcast too!

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Love and love,


Calm Down
Calm Down
The antidote to internet poisoning. Hosted by Ben Dreyfuss, Calm Down is a podcast about our internet politics nightmare...and how to fix it.